Remembrance Day 2024.

Ceremony of The Empty Chair team Nov 2024.

Installation of Master and Office Beares 22nd October 2023



On Wednesday 23rd February 2023, Lodge Peebles Kilwinning No24 held a exemplification of the Scond Degree by Brethren who were all ex-members of the several forces. The event raised a total of £600 in aid of Combat Stress. 

 The Degree team consisted of from left to right, IG Bro.George Young No24, Bro.Andrew Forsyth RWPGM who imparted the secrets,SD Bro.Mike Todd PM58, SW Bro. David Johnston No24, RWM Bro. George Gilchrist No24, SW BroThomas Wilson RWM No1066, JD Bro. Stuart Fleming No262,Chaplain Bro.Carl Surgey No262. and Bro.Georgie McPeat RWM No936. Missing from the photo is Bro. Andrew Henthorn No24 who delivered the lecture on the 2nd degree tracing board.


BYSS Supports Young Talent


Bro. David Robb PM from Lodge Peebles Kilwinning No. 24 presenting a cheque to Andrew Wilson on behalf of the PGL Borders Youth Support Scheme to assist with his advanced tuition from The National Youth Brass Bands of Scotland. We wish him every success.

BYSS Supports Peebles High School


Bro. William Porteous of Lodge Peebles Kilwinning No. 24 presenting a cheque for £200 on behalf of Provincial Grand Lodge Border Youth Support Scheme to Peebles High School Head Teacher Campbell Wilson along with Depute Head Teacher Jeremy Lee. The grant is to aid their Opportunities Pot which is used to help assist pupils who would otherwise miss out on trips etc.

Tricentenary Celebrations 22nd October 2016

Bro. Joseph A. Kirkpatrick R.W.M. on behalf of the brethren of Lodge Peebles Kilwinning No 24 presents a cheque for £1,000 to Bro. George R.Kelly S.G.M. to be donated to Prostate Scotland.



Installation of Office Bearers 24th October 2015

Bro. R. Stafford I.M. Bro. J. A. Kirkpatrick R.W.M. Bro. A. Craig I.M.

R.W.M. and Past Masters

Photographs by: Bro. Hugh Hynd P.M.

Office Bearers 2014

Installation, October 2013

Masonic Ball, Burgh Hall Peebles May 2013

Burns Night 2013

German Visit, November 2012

Masonic Ball, Burgh Hall Peebles May 2012